The Pacific Times | The Only Student-Run News Website in Natomas

November Pirate Points Update

By Jupji sandhu Staff Writer | The Pacific Times Seniors are taking the lead in pirate points as of November. After November’s First Friday event seniors are in the lead with 1000 points. The … [Read more...]

Diwali Celebration by Desi Club

Photos by Teresa Mote Staff Writer | The Pacific Times Desi Club hosted a Diwali Celebration in the quad on Nov. 9. During lunch, they provided samosas and drinks, along with music and a … [Read more...]

Senior Operates Snack Bar During Lunch

By Teresa Mote Staff Writer | The Pacific Times Senior Emilio Lazcano is running a snack bar in the gym foyer during lunch breaks. Lazcano brought back the snack bar, previously located in the … [Read more...]

Photo Gallery: Sikh Temple Field Trip

By Katrina Jesusa Nazareno Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 juniors went to the Stockton Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) in Stockton, Calif. on Monday, Oct. 30 to learn about Sikhism. Students listened … [Read more...]

Photo Gallery: First Robotics Competition

Photos By Katrina Jesusa Nazareno Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 Robotics Team had their first competition of the season at Ceres High School on Oct. 21. They had a great time teaming up … [Read more...]

Photo Gallery: Mock Trial Fundraiser at Handel’s

Photos By Morsal Abdali Staff Writer | The Pacific Times Students and supporters of the NP3 Mock Trial team showed up to Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream on Sept. 27. The team raised $139.95 and plans … [Read more...]

Photo Gallery: Freshmen Field Trip on PSAT Day

By Zainab Mahmood Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 freshmen went on a half-day field trip to downtown Sacramento on Oct. 25 while juniors and seniors took the PSAT. Each of the seven advisory … [Read more...]

Teacher Profile: Michelle Meditz

By Alexis Kobane Copy Editor | The Pacific Times Michelle Meditz is beginning her first year teaching at NP3 High School. Meditz is teaching Spanish I, Spanish II, and 10th grade advisory with … [Read more...]

Broadway Actor Workshops with NP3 Choir

By Inaya Valenzuela Staff Writer | The Pacific Times This Friday, Oct. 27 Broadway actor Christopher Robin Sapp will be coming to NP3 for a workshop with the choir. Sapp is a multi … [Read more...]