Team C members, from left to right, Molly Trouchon, Sean Sotto, Alvin Ao, Vivian Mai, Zahra Muhammad and Ian Berry.
By Krista Chouang
Co-Editor | The Pacific Times
For the first time, one of NP3’s Robotics teams qualified for the world championship.
On March 13, NP3 Robotics teams competed at the 2022 Northern California VRC High School State Championship at Florin High School. By the end of the competition, Team A won the sportsmanship award and Team C had placed second.
As finalists, Team C will move on to compete in the world championship on May 5-7 in Dallas, Texas. More than 800 teams are expected to compete in the tournament.
“I didn’t expect us to get past quarter finals … but we got finalist, which was second place, but it’s amazing,” said sophomore Vivian Mai.
Team C’s members include Molly Trouchon, Alvin Ao, Mai, Zahra Muhammad, Ian Berry and Sean Sotto. Trouchon was the robot’s driver and Ao was the main programmer.
Trouchon said some points of the competition were stressful and challenging, but she still enjoyed herself.
“During the competition I felt very focused and was just trying to have a good time and enjoy the matches,” said Trouchon, a junior.
Added Muhammad, also a junior, “I was in shock but really proud of my teammates for how far we’ve come.”
To prepare for the upcoming championship, team members plan to work on improving the robot’s ability to drive itself — a feature necessary for the autonomous period and programming skills period of the match.
“I, for sure, need to put in lots of practice driving, just perfecting maneuvers and controlling the bot,” said Trouchon.
[…] version of this article was previously published on The Pacific Times, a news website published by Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep High School […]