The Pacific Times | The Only Student-Run News Website in Natomas

Volunteering at our Natomas Libraries

By Zara Afridi
Staff Writer | The Pacific Times

Volunteering at the Sacramento Public Library’s South and North Natomas branches is a great way of spending time in your community library surrounded by books and a peaceful environment.

“I would encourage teens to volunteer at the library to learn new skills, make new friends and help out others,” said Marian Simmons, who is the teen volunteer manager and youth services librarian at the South Natomas library.

Volunteering at the libraries are an opportunity for NP3 students to complete community service hours or to put library volunteer experience on resumes and college applications.

“As with most experiences, you will get out of it what you put into,” Simmons said, “Students who put a lot into their volunteer experiences have had the opportunity to plan and lead programs at the library, be recognized with Presidential Service Awards and get letters of recommendations for college and scholarships.”

She added, “For many teens, it is a way for them to learn new skills such as teaching, organization, teamwork and leadership that will be valuable when they go on to find paid jobs and get a chance to practice their skills.”

In the application, you can select from a variety of activities such as assisting with special events and programs, homework help with kids, and much more.

“Our teen volunteers are very important to the libraries, and we really appreciate all their hard work,” Simmons said.

The North and South Library volunteer applications can be found here:

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