The Pacific Times | The Only Student-Run News Website in Natomas

School Running Club Encourages Fitness

By Alexis Kobane Copy Editor | The Pacific Times Two NP3 seniors started the school’s first Running Club to encourage fitness in the NP3 community. Salvador Lemus and Timothy Tsera started … [Read more...]

Photo Gallery: December First Friday

By Krista Chouang Co-Editor | The Pacific Times On Friday, Dec. 1, all grade levels competed against each other in the monthly First Friday competition. One student per advisory was designated to … [Read more...]

Annual Winter Karaoke Event Set for Friday

By Isabella Bravo Co-Editor | The Pacific Times The annual Winter Wonderjam karaoke event is set for this Friday, Dec. 1. The event is from 5:30-9 p.m. in the gym. Doors will close at … [Read more...]

Refugee Settlement Club Hosts Donation Drive

By Zainab Mahmood Staff Writer | The Pacific Times Np3’s Refugee Resettlement Club is hosting a donation drive for local refugees who are in need of certain items.  The type of items needed … [Read more...]

Take Our Survey: Student AI Usage

By Krista Chouang Co-Editor | The Pacific Times Due to the recent rise in the use of artificial intelligence in schools, The Pacific Times is working on an article on this topic based on reader … [Read more...]

Resources Available for College Bound

By Analia Orozco Staff Writer| The Pacific Times NP3 has many resources available to students interested in college after graduating high school, such as workshops, college fairs and … [Read more...]

NP3 Students Compete in Chess Tournament

By Tayeb Rahman Staff Writer | The Pacific Times During the past few months, students in the Chess Club played in a Chess tournament, learning and improving their skills on the board. Around 30 … [Read more...]

New Club Seeks to Showcase Student Writers

By Isabella Bravo Co-Editor | The Pacific Times The Literary Magazine Club was recently started to release a literary journal to showcase the work of NP3 students. Junior Morsal Abdali started … [Read more...]

Teachers vs. Students for Spirit Week

By Surya Tanikella Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 High School is having a spirit week to celebrate Unity Week starting Nov. 4. To add a twist, students will be competing against staff … [Read more...]