The Pacific Times | The Only Student-Run News Website in Natomas

NP3 Graduates Celebrated During Senior Cruise

By Maisha Mostafa
Co-Editor | The Pacific Times

NP3 High Seniors attended a Senior Cruise last Friday, May 15 to pick up their caps, gowns, honors and awards, and yearbooks.

The was hosted by NP3 High teachers, staff and administrators. Students, some with their families and some on their own, drove through the NP3 High parking lot at a designated time to maintain social distance from others.

The drive-thru event was held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  and broken into two time periods. 

During the event, drivers were directed to the pop up tent with their advisor. In addition to the seniors’ items, advisors also handed out small bundt cakes to their students to honor their accomplishments. 

For this event, many families decorated their cars with balloons and other decorations to celebrate their seniors.

NP3 High teachers, staff and administrators also created signs and decorated the parking lot to add festive touches to the event. At times, music also played in the background.

Click this video to see a video recap of the event, as well as some encouraging words from NP3 High teachers, staff and administrators. 




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