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Two NP3 High Classes Plan to Get Class Pets

By Alexis Kobane
Staff Writer | The Pacific Times

Both Dulce Hernandez and Nida Qasmi’s advisory classes have decided to get a class pet to keep in their classroom.

Hernandez and Qasmi’s advisory classes have already chosen the pets that they want. Hernandez’s advisory has decided on a red eared slider turtle and Qasmi’s advisory has chosen a clownfish.

Hernandez’s advisory class needed a pet that fit requirements such as cost and maintenance.

“Life expectancy was something else we had to think of,” Hernandez said.

The class was able to vote on which pet they wanted the most, while meeting their advisory teacher’s requirements.

Hernandez’s class has decided on the name Master Oogway for their turtle.

Qasmi’s advisory class went through a similar voting process and is now planning to get a clownfish. They first had to vote on an animal, then they had to decide what type of fish they wanted.

Erik Jones, their advisor for the fall term, is a fan of the idea of this class pet.

“It gave them a sense of ownership of a space,” Jones said when asked about why he and the class wanted a pet. “Something to collectively work on and towards. It’s a great group activity because everyone has to be involved in it and pets are cool!”

Qasmi’s advisory class has not yet decided on a name for their clownfish. They want to see it before they name it.

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