The Pacific Times | The Only Student-Run News Website in Natomas

Archives for 2021

New Bell Schedule for Second Term Announced

By Wayland Zhu Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 High School administration recently announced a new bell schedule for the second half of the 2021-22 school year. The new schedule will be … [Read more...]

Senior Tackles Clothing Waste with Thrift Store

By Tahasin Rahman Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 senior Jasmin Perez is addressing the issue of clothing waste with her senior project by starting a thrift store. According to the BBC, … [Read more...]

Student on the Street: Finals Week

By Kristen Chung Staff Writer | The Pacific Times As student prepared to take their first in-person finals since the pandemic, The Pacific Times asked: "How are you preparing for finals week and … [Read more...]

Advisory Classes Celebrate Winter Holidays

By Surya Tanikella Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 High advisory classes are participating in fun holiday activities to celebrate the end of the first term after returning to in-person … [Read more...]

Mock Trial and Moot Court Get New Coaches

By Alexis Kobane Staff Writer | The Pacific Times NP3 High School’s Mock Trial and Moot Court teams have two new coaches for the 2021-22 school year. The Mock Trial team is now coached by Angel … [Read more...]

NP3 High Club Helps Afghan Refugee Families

By Kristen Chung Staff Writer | The Pacific Times In response to the Taliban’s recent takeover of Afghanistan, seniors Zain Mahmood and Alina Susu decided to reboot the Refugees in Crisis Club at … [Read more...]

Student on the Street: 2021 Holidays

By Isabella Bravo Staff Writer | The Pacific Times As we enter the second holiday season of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Pacific Times asked students: "What do the holidays look like for you this … [Read more...]

NP3 High Wraps Up KCRA3 Kids Can Food Drive

By Jack Fedor Co-Editor | The Pacific Times NP3 High School students donated more than 5,000 food items for the KCRA3 Kids Can Food Drive. The junior class led the food can drive by collecting … [Read more...]

Tutorial Change Offers Students Options

By Surya Tanikella Staff Writer | The Pacific Times A recent change to tutorial scheduling is meant to increase students’ responsibility and decrease teachers’ workload. “While students were … [Read more...]